Sunday, January 25, 2009

25 Random Things it goes:

1. I like to be alone

2. I have to have complete silence when I sleep..which means NO snoring or TV

3. I enjoy reading

4. I don't like having to take courses that have nothing to do with my major

5. I HATE people who like to kill animals for sport

6. I'm a dog person

7. My mom is the best person I know

8. In a peanut butter and jelly sandwitch..I have to have peanut butter on both sides of the bread

9. I want to be a special ed teacher

10. I want to give at least one child the hope that no matter how hard school can get..that they can accomplish anything they set their mind 2

11. I never want to hear the terms "Maverick".."My Friends"..or Sarah Palin again

12. I'm not very organized

13. I can be sarcastic

14. I like it when the clouds go dark before a thunderstorm

15. Most of the time I wear black clothes

16. I like to be comfortable

17. I like going through the drive through at a bank..and seeing the container shoot up the tube

18. I don't like talking on the phone

19. I have a pen and pencil fetish

20. Hazy Hot and Humid are my least favorite words

21. I tend to worry a lot

22. I'm a morning person

23. I have a hard time driving at night

24. I can't live without my tivo or computer

25. Black and white photos are my favorite

1 comment:

  1. hmmm. with the exception of a few of these points...i could almost BE you!! ;)
